Rediscovering Astronomy


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For as far back as I can remember, I have been interested in space. Not in an IKEA way, I have tried unsuccessfully several times to assemble BLOK or SQHWK or whatever they call their latest mash up of light pine and chrome. I am of course talking about the kind of space where stars, planets and galaxies call home. Continue reading

Online Gaming


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This blog is a bit like my life, and can be summed up  as simply ‘organised chaos’.

I have multitudes of interests, in fact the older I get the more interests I seem to fall into. The world fascinates me, and I am so keen to experience as much of it as I can before the hooded bloke with the scythe looks at the watch on his bony wrist and blows his whistle, signalling chucking out time on this fabulous planet for me and its off to the next one. Continue reading



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I was in Halfords the other day, buying a few bits and pieces when I wandered upstairs to their cycle shop (known as ‘Bikehut’). As I arrived at the top step I saw a sight that pulled me back to the never ending, always sunny, halcyon days of the late 1970’s when I was 10 years old and everyone on the estate had a bike made by Raleigh. Continue reading

Ghost Trains and Stations


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Regular readers of my blog will know that I have a bit of a train passion. Not the kind that most people associate with ‘Densha Otaku’ (train nerds) I don’t have a notebook full of train numbers and dates and only know the names of a few famous engines rather than the usual encyclopaedic recollection of serial number and designation those known affectionately as trainspotters have. Continue reading

Proud to be a Japanologist!


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Geek. Nerd. Anorak. Weird.

At some point in the past I have been called all of them, in various levels of bitterness from people that just don’t understand the things I enjoy. The word ‘Otaku’ is a Japanese term for a person that is interested to the point of obsession in a certain thing or subject and when a person is tagged an Otaku it is seen (in Japan at least) as derogatory and insulting, reducing the person to a member of a sub class of society.
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